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Auntie Jules takes Teddy upstairs, and into his room, tucks him up and leaves him to sleep. Grandpa takes off his shrinking cap and goes back to his normal size, just in time because Auntie Jules has come to get Teddy for his afternoon nap. The mouse doesn't see Grandpa hiding behind the corner so Grandpa decides to seize his chance and before long, out pops Mr Squeak from the mousehole, followed by Grandpa. Grandpa tries to get Mr Squeak but the mouse decides to chase Grandpa instead. The mouse of the Mill on the Marsh had made friends with Mr Squeak. Grandpa decides to put on his shrinking cap to try and rescue Mr Squeak from the mousehole. But then Teddy grabs Mr Squeak and throws it into the mousehole. Elsie and Josh show Grandpa Mr Squeak, which Grandpa finds him interesting. Mrs Goodchild leaves the Mill on the Marsh to go to her party and then Grandpa arrives with Beowulf. Teddy won't go to sleep without Mr Squeak.

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Mrs Goodchild shows Auntie Jules Teddy's favourite toy, Mr Squeak. His name is Teddy Goodchild and his mum is going to a party on Bob's boat, The Boomerang, hence why Ted is staying.

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A very special person has come to stay at the Mill on the Marsh.

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